This version of TeleFinder Pro is distributed using shareware method. The shareware method of distribution permits you to "try before you buy," but does not entitle you with a license to use the software beyond the trial period. The trial period for TeleFinder Pro is 30 days. If you would like to continue using the product after that time, you must register the software.
The TeleFinder Pro folder contains all the software and setup files necssary to use TeleFinder Pro. You should find the following files in this folder.
Read Me First - this file.
TeleFinder™ Pro 2.2 - this is the TeleFinder application.
TeleFinder™ Pro Manual - a self running application that you can read on your Macintosh or print out for convenience.
Addresses - TeleFinder's address book data file.
Modem Setups - TeleFinder's modem drivers data file.
TF Outbox - TeleFinder's mail outbox data file.
TF Pro Help - this contains resources for Balloon help.
TF Pro Prefs - this file remembers your personal settings.
TF Pro Services - TeleFinder's autodial directory data file.
Scripts - This folder contains sample scripts.
Topic Inbox - This is the data file for TeleFinder's offline reader.
Utilities - This folder contains TeleFinder utilities and drop-ins.
Note: The TeleFinder™ Pro Manual may not print with some printers. We recommend using the Laserwriter 7.x driver to print successfully.
Registering TeleFinder Pro
Register TeleFinder Pro by email, fax, telephone, or postal mail. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted for payment. The registration fee for the online version of TeleFinder Pro is $15. To receive a disk and printed manual with your registration, the fee is $25 + shipping.
See the manual for an order form and additional information about registering.
Upgrading from prior versions of TeleFinder™ Pro
Registered users of prior versions of TeleFinder™ Pro may upgrade to the online version at no charge. You can get a registration password from Spider Island by providing the following information by email, fax or phone:
Your name, address, and TeleFinder Pro serial number.
Complimentary Registration for TeleFinder Sysops
Sysops of TeleFinder Group Edition bulletin boards get one registration for free. Please provide the same information as above along with your Group Edition serial number.